Yesterday, Bryan turns 7 months old which mean I already become a mom for 7 months too.. learning everyday to understand what my baby needs and trust my intuition as mom, hoping my decisions its the best one for him, but still sometimes I feel so far from becoming a good mom such as when I failed to breastfeeding Bryan exclusively for 6 months, he stop breastfeeding when he's 5 months! i try so many ways to make him breastfeeding again, but since the teeth is showing up he keep bite my nipples, it hurts and sometimes it leave scratch *sigh*
now at his 7 months old he still can't rolling back from tummy, he always cry for help everytime he's tired though I try hard to make him practice everyday, but if i want to think it over, i think its all because that electric cradle, he never sleep at his crib since he was 2 months old! he always sleep at electric cradle, so from this day I drag the crib back to my room (eventough my room space will be pack) and try to put him sleep on his crib, hopefully it will help him develop his rolling skill and soon crawling. the photo tooks after Bryan put pajamas on and ready to sleep :)
actually put Bryan to sleep is so easy! he can sleep by himself, I never carry him around to put him sleep he even can't sleep in my shoulder, he always head up when I hold him basicly he dont like to be carry around, just put him in bed put on pacifier, company him (at least he can see you around) and then after 10-15 minutes (depends on his stamina) he'll fall asleep by himself. :)
well, being mommy is not as simple as it may looks like and It's not easy too...but yet it's a beautiful journey, to see my son growing day by day is a blessing, he make my simple life perfect with all his laughter and tears! love you, son :)
i think you are such a good mom.. look at bryan, smiling so big, telling the world that he is happy. he must be happy n proud to have a mom like u Ne :)
jiayoo anneeeeee hehehe
kynya emang susah bgt ya jd mommy :p
iya ne...take it easy! whatever happens, Bryan knows that he has someone to hold on to and someone who always love him whatever happens.
at the end of the day, that's all matters, I am sure! ^_^
dear anne,
hi gue rie rie dr weddingku.. gua malah cuma breastfed abel sampe 1 bln itu pun gak full.. asi gak keluar.. sempet stress and keep thinking that i'm not a good mother for my abel, until a good friend of mine said that i don't have to worry about that.. well, iya juga ne.. since our babies are healthy, stop blaming ourselves... hehe :)
btw bryan sama banget ama abel, kl bobo cuma mpeng doang gak pk diayun2 hehe.. kl abel plus guling sih :)
Acied: soon join the club yah cied! :D
Vicky : Thank youu... :)
Rie-rie : iya nih, si bryan sekarang juga gua kasih guling karena udah gua taroh di baby box, biasanya dia kan di ayunan jadi gak bisa pake guling :)
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