this is what Bryan monkey see-monkey do from his cousin, Naomi. everytime he knows that he want to be capture with camera, he'll put his fingers in his cheek, smile and say cheeezzz...oh and don't forget to "miringin dikit pala-nya" (put his head sideways little bit).
we're going for breakfast with Jason parents last Sunday, Jason is only 1 month younger than Bryan, I know Jason mommy from pregnancy forum Nov-Dec 07- Jan 08, we've regularly meet each others (with other mommies and their toddlers from forum) every month,but since Jason parents also live in kelapa gading area and loves food hunting, last sunday we're decide to hunting new restaurant together. the boys are playing together, take nap together while the parents are gossiping :)
I think toddlers learning faster if they see other toddlers doing something, for example... I've try to teach bryan word "FISH" but he never say it (as you can see there's an aquarium behind Bryan) but, after he heard jason repeat "FISH" so many times and point to an aquarium, suddenly yesterday he said word FISH! WOW! I think FISH is harder to say rather than KUKU, BOBO (sleeping),SUSU (milk), I've try to teach him to call his KUKU almost 2 months now and he still can't say it! and for Jason, he become expert in doing pose cheesseee after see bryan :).
we're going for breakfast with Jason parents last Sunday, Jason is only 1 month younger than Bryan, I know Jason mommy from pregnancy forum Nov-Dec 07- Jan 08, we've regularly meet each others (with other mommies and their toddlers from forum) every month,but since Jason parents also live in kelapa gading area and loves food hunting, last sunday we're decide to hunting new restaurant together. the boys are playing together, take nap together while the parents are gossiping :)
I think toddlers learning faster if they see other toddlers doing something, for example... I've try to teach bryan word "FISH" but he never say it (as you can see there's an aquarium behind Bryan) but, after he heard jason repeat "FISH" so many times and point to an aquarium, suddenly yesterday he said word FISH! WOW! I think FISH is harder to say rather than KUKU, BOBO (sleeping),SUSU (milk), I've try to teach him to call his KUKU almost 2 months now and he still can't say it! and for Jason, he become expert in doing pose cheesseee after see bryan :).