Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Learning how to walk
Surprise! When I thought that bryan will takes a while to walking since he's just master sit by him self from lying position, crawling , and stand up with help few weeks ago, I'm quite happy to see that he's now can walking without support a few step from last week, but he's still up both of his hands as a balance and still can't stand up without support by himself.
It's quite scary to see him learning how to walk independently since sometimes he's refuse to be hold by me and if i'm not hold his hand..he'll walk very fast and it gives me heart beat racing when he's suddenly stop, turn around or even when he decided to moving his body front-back like it's gonna fall down *shake head*
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Toilet Training

This is what my little boy do every morning after he's wake up, poo.. he's been doing it since 3.5 months until now, thanks to my mother in law who push me hard to make him poo on his potty every morning, amazingly ever since he's 3.5 months until now he don't poo on his pants or his diapers, if he skip his poo time in the morning, he'll give a gong-gong faces later and I'll rush him to his potty. when we're on vacation to singapore last year he skip his poo times while we're already had a plan that day, so before we go, i tell him to poo otherwise i'll not bring him out that day ,and he start calm and do it. well.. okay as long as i remember there's 3 little accident, but that's still amazing record for me since most of other babies still can't do it in their early months.
but I'm still find a way to know his reaction for pee since he's still can't speak yet, he's using washable diapers pants now,but its either he don't want to pee when I try to pee him or when I find that his pants already wet, its only few times I success to bring him pee.
but I'm still find a way to know his reaction for pee since he's still can't speak yet, he's using washable diapers pants now,but its either he don't want to pee when I try to pee him or when I find that his pants already wet, its only few times I success to bring him pee.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Longest night ever

It's around 8.30 PM on sunday evening when I heard a big explosion that makes all windows and doors in my house shaking hard then a few minutes later it appears that there's a fuel tank explosion, near my house area. the flame can be seen very clearly on my 3rd floor balcony, we can't sleep since many people has called and told us to get evacuate from house since the location is very near and after 2 hours the heat from the flame can be feel even we're inside house, we're afraid that the fire will spread to our neighbours. so I've decided move with bryan to my parents house since the location is quite far from the explosion.
It's bit raining when we're leaving house at 11.30 PM and it become heavy raining when we're arrived at my parents house, too bad bryan's decided to woke up and don't want to sleep again when we're arrived there and he become bit cranky when he still can't sleep until 2.30am, so I try to put him sleep on sling and come downstair, it's when I realized that the water has enter my living room and when I see outside, the water already reach my car park too, my brother and father are rush to evacuate the car to higher place while I'm busy mopping floor and put things to higher place with my mother. my bryan finally a sleep after he's laughing and smile when he's see me mopping floor *sigh* I hardly not sleep that night, the water enter house until ankle while outside is higher.
And about the fire...no need to tell..it extinguished around 5.00 AM and don't spread to any areas. from big fire to big flood..all in one night at kelapa gading *shake head*
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Mommy birthday
Sunday, January 4, 2009
13 months

- nap 2 times a day (after morning bath for 1/2-1 hour and after lunch for 1-2 hours)
- can stand up by himself but still can't stand up from squad position
- can sit up by himself
- can crawling in a right way (using both of his knee)
- love soup,cheese and his baby biscuit
- can walk steady few step without support but still use both his arms to balance
- can do high five,high five,kiss bye,clapping hands,grin his eyes
- can know and point when we ask his head,tummy and belly button
- very clingy with mommy
- very active boy can't stay still for a while
- since know how to walk, gives me backache cause i'm still guide him and hold his both arms
- can grab and put his own pacifier to his mouth
- understand few orders such as : NO *for not touching or doing things*, "give me.." *to give me something in his hand*, "sit nicely..", "where's..." * he can look to a right person when we ask*
- share restaurant food with us so far he's favorite is noodle from Bakmi Gajah Mada
- his vocabulary still limited only "mama","papa", "mamam" (ask for eat), "apa" (what?), "mbak" (his nanny) and other baby mumblings
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Jane and the dragon
Just when I thought that Bryan is not a television boy,suddenly today he successfully stay quite watching jane and the dragon cartoon and this is the first time he 's seem really enjoy the show, he used to ignore it when I try to keep him still for a while,but when I try to change the channel, he's start to wailing, ask me for the remote *he pointed at it* so, I switch again to jane and the dragon show, and then he's stay quite again, watching it with a super cute serious mimic until the show finished!! (it's about 20 minutes).
Friday, January 2, 2009
I only want my mommy!

Bryan is on phase of separation anxiety, most of the time he's only want ME to hold, hug and cuddle him, he can cry for no reason when he see ME walking out the door or off his sight for a moment, sometimes when he's awake from nightmare and cry, he only can comfort by ME, when he wants to sleep, most of the time he only wants ME who sing his favourite lullaby, Twinkle-twinkle little star, he wants go to with ME to bathroom when I need to pee and he want ME to take him walk (which is leaves me a backache for few days)
it's a LOT and of ME! but as a mother I try to enjoy it as long as I can (even sometimes i must admit its bit hard for me too ), there will be a phase when he will feels that ME is not this much important again, so I better enjoy the moment when I'm his VIP person before some girl steal away my position! *wink*
it's a LOT and of ME! but as a mother I try to enjoy it as long as I can (even sometimes i must admit its bit hard for me too ), there will be a phase when he will feels that ME is not this much important again, so I better enjoy the moment when I'm his VIP person before some girl steal away my position! *wink*
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome 2009

It's a new year...and also a fresh start for 2009, so my little Bryan decided to "learn" how to likes cap for the first time!! he's not a cap baby since a newborn, he always throwing it away and makes me give up to give him a bit of fashion look :D but not for this new year! he even can pose with it! good start son!
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