13 months

- nap 2 times a day (after morning bath for 1/2-1 hour and after lunch for 1-2 hours)
- can stand up by himself but still can't stand up from squad position
- can sit up by himself
- can crawling in a right way (using both of his knee)
- love soup,cheese and his baby biscuit
- can walk steady few step without support but still use both his arms to balance
- can do high five,high five,kiss bye,clapping hands,grin his eyes
- can know and point when we ask his head,tummy and belly button
- very clingy with mommy
- very active boy can't stay still for a while
- since know how to walk, gives me backache cause i'm still guide him and hold his both arms
- can grab and put his own pacifier to his mouth
- understand few orders such as : NO *for not touching or doing things*, "give me.." *to give me something in his hand*, "sit nicely..", "where's..." * he can look to a right person when we ask*
- share restaurant food with us so far he's favorite is noodle from Bakmi Gajah Mada
- his vocabulary still limited only "mama","papa", "mamam" (ask for eat), "apa" (what?), "mbak" (his nanny) and other baby mumblings
wah bryan understand his body part, well done!!!! james is still a longgggg way from that!!!
Anne, gw add blog link eloe di blog gw ya. ;) Biar bisa baca ttg Bryan everyday.
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