Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk

I've start to mixed his formula with UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk since he's already 1 years old now, the doctor also said it's better to drink UHT milk if he's over 1 year since it's all vitamins that contains on milk is not being process and added like a formula so it's more fresh and healthy.

Lucky that Bryan can take both of milks without any complain and so far there's no sign of allergic due to milk changing *happy laughing* now he's drink UHT milk 2 times in morning and afternoon while he's drink formula twice during night.


Anonymous said...

waaa, sama dong dengan Sachi. 1 tahun start UHT :)

Anne said...

iya..katanya kan lebih sehat :D trus sih bryan doyan,so..yah udah,gua kasih aja lah, diitung2 juga lbh murah dibanding formula bwahahahaha

Anonymous said...

iya sachi untungnya jg doyan tuh. Tp kurang lebih sama ah ne sama formula. beda2 tipis lha. Tp jauh lebih baik :)

Jo said...

Yea, i've been wanting to try fresh milk (those packet ones from the supermarket). But maybe i should hold it since we're in China. Haha... The milk-scare incident. ;p