Bryan is able to hold his own bottle since he was 5 months old and this skill improving, now mostly he can hold his own bottle when drink a milk, and his pincer grasp also improve,he LOVES put everything he hold in his tiny mouth, my handphone, his toes, my laptop (he very curious to lick it when he sit on my lap), his finger, his toys, papers and even tissue!! so, i decide to introduce him to sippy cup
he still can't crawling and his mood still upside down, he even have a new skill in crying..it add a scream! LOUD one!! when he don't want to be put in crib, He'll doing sharp cry, screaming very loud till there's no other way to calm him down unless we hold him, he will suddenly stop all the crying and back to smile! oh yah.. for attention he also have new spoil trick, when he's wail or cry... he will add "mamamama mamamamama.." in very sad sound, calling me for help and if he's doing that, as a mother.. I DON'T have any option other than hold him directly and give him kisses! ohh.. my son, you are very clever knowing how to melt mommy heart!
I guess it's very hard to discipline him now, I've been browsing other moms blogs and find during this period month all their babies have the same symptoms like Bryan. for example, last night he successful to make his daddy woke up at 3.30am by his midnight cry and can't back to sleep again until morning, lucky that daddy have holiday today :P
Cakep Euy Anak elo.. berbahagialah anda ne.. sekarang yang cewe ne, masa cuman 1, kurang atuh , Jia You.. Yang banyak Yach..Hee Hee..
Wow! Bryan seems to do very well for a 7-mth old baby! ;)
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