As a newly mother who doesn't have any experience at all in parenthood, I browse lots of articles and read many people experience about how to teach kid become a good man in the future, and yet when it comes to real situation I still become speechless about how to handle Bryan, now he loves to scream, wailing when we don't do what he want us to do, I don't want him to be grown up as a spoiled kids, and yes I'm afraid that he can't control emotion and doing uncontrolled things like screaming or throwing tantrum in front of public.
I'm still confused about how to discipline bryan, I try to understand what he needs from me, why he cry and screaming but sometimes it just don't enough, especially when you're living together with others the pressure is on! they said that if your kid miss behave then people around you will judge the mother first cause not being able to teach her kids a good manner. others tell me to gently flick bryan if he's doing something wrong so later on he will understand that he can't do it again, I see it works on bryan cousin, naomi who 6 months older than him. if her mother say in high tone" Naomi, pu ke yi ce yang.. mana karet?" she will stop it directly, if she still continue doing it then her mom will put rubber in her arm and hit it gently.
but, I don't totally really agree about "hitting or flick" part, it just make him scare but not understand the concept why I'm doing that, I'm totally agree with leony and adhitya it just a phase of growing up and we as his parents also growing up in emotionally and physically to become more patient and wiser to dealing with his daily behaviour, i don't say it will always easy and smooth, i'm sure there's a time when i feel like loosing temper and emotionally low, it just like riding a roller coaster. it just feel so good to know that i'm not alone in this, if my mom can survive with 4 children then i think Bryan is nothing compare to it. and slowly as time goes by.. I'm sure that I'm gonna find my own style to discipline bryan.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear ... "
~1 John 4:18~
I'm still confused about how to discipline bryan, I try to understand what he needs from me, why he cry and screaming but sometimes it just don't enough, especially when you're living together with others the pressure is on! they said that if your kid miss behave then people around you will judge the mother first cause not being able to teach her kids a good manner. others tell me to gently flick bryan if he's doing something wrong so later on he will understand that he can't do it again, I see it works on bryan cousin, naomi who 6 months older than him. if her mother say in high tone" Naomi, pu ke yi ce yang.. mana karet?" she will stop it directly, if she still continue doing it then her mom will put rubber in her arm and hit it gently.
but, I don't totally really agree about "hitting or flick" part, it just make him scare but not understand the concept why I'm doing that, I'm totally agree with leony and adhitya it just a phase of growing up and we as his parents also growing up in emotionally and physically to become more patient and wiser to dealing with his daily behaviour, i don't say it will always easy and smooth, i'm sure there's a time when i feel like loosing temper and emotionally low, it just like riding a roller coaster. it just feel so good to know that i'm not alone in this, if my mom can survive with 4 children then i think Bryan is nothing compare to it. and slowly as time goes by.. I'm sure that I'm gonna find my own style to discipline bryan.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear ... "
~1 John 4:18~
A very good-looking baby u have! ;)
kata orang sih yah, nanti juga tau kok kalo waktunya pass...hehe...gue sendiri masih bingung nih gimana disiplin in caden!!! Clueless!!! ^_^
bryan... i wanna meet bryan... huhu i never see him until now...
well, i'm sure i'm not the right person to put a comment on this one since i'm not even married yet...
yach tapi menurut aku pake ilmu menggengam pasir... makin dilonggarin ,makin banyak yang tersisa... sok bijak banget yach gua ce haha... ma ibarat maen layangan aja ce, ada saatnya ulur, ada saatnya tarik. just make sure he gets enough space but not that much =p
and one thing that is important: jangan lupa doa =p we might not know everything that's goin' to happen in one's life, but He does =)
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