Many peoples are asking me, when will Bryan have brother/sister? cause most of them said that its better to have second child 2-3 years different from the oldest so they still can catch up and become playmate rather than wait until Bryan is 5 years old.
Yes,of course I want to give Bryan sibling to play with, Jaya and I are come from big families, I have 3 younger brother while Jaya have 4 older sister, when I was a little girl.. I'll always want to have 5 children, 3 older son-2 little twins girl, I even prepare names for them, of course bryan names also come from that list ;) but its when I was little and very naive! now, I think I only want 3 and really hope that my second child are twins since Jaya said he only want 2 :D
but back again,I think the question about second child is really personal one, people can ask,give opinion or share their experience but the decision is still on couples, is they're ready as in emotion and material? (since raising a baby needs LOTS of money) or their own commitment before married (maybe they just want ONE baby) some people can be very annoying and irritated in gossiping others, such as when they heard that Mrs X already pregnant again while her son just 4 months old or when they think that Mrs Y is not really a good mother since she give their children a nannies while she go shopping at mall.
We, as an outsider maybe don't now the truth and their personal reason behind all of that, maybe Mrs. X get married at 30 something and she think that she'll running out of time if she don't make another baby now or she just ready as in emotion and material, and maybe Mrs Y is a great mother, she do spend quality times with their children at home and maybe when they find Mrs Y shopping, it's her time to have me-time alone moment. who knows rite? we just an outsider.
and for me.. I have my own reason and fear about having a second child, I think I'll wait until Bryan is 3 years before having a second one, cause I can more focus to him now and spend more times before he's ready to go school but In other hand I also afraid that my second child is not as easy as Bryan (Bryan is consider an easy one), how can I divide my love to other baby or bryan get jealous with the baby, and so many others thoughts,which I'm sure some mother also think about it when get pregnant with the second one.
Yes,of course I want to give Bryan sibling to play with, Jaya and I are come from big families, I have 3 younger brother while Jaya have 4 older sister, when I was a little girl.. I'll always want to have 5 children, 3 older son-2 little twins girl, I even prepare names for them, of course bryan names also come from that list ;) but its when I was little and very naive! now, I think I only want 3 and really hope that my second child are twins since Jaya said he only want 2 :D
but back again,I think the question about second child is really personal one, people can ask,give opinion or share their experience but the decision is still on couples, is they're ready as in emotion and material? (since raising a baby needs LOTS of money) or their own commitment before married (maybe they just want ONE baby) some people can be very annoying and irritated in gossiping others, such as when they heard that Mrs X already pregnant again while her son just 4 months old or when they think that Mrs Y is not really a good mother since she give their children a nannies while she go shopping at mall.
We, as an outsider maybe don't now the truth and their personal reason behind all of that, maybe Mrs. X get married at 30 something and she think that she'll running out of time if she don't make another baby now or she just ready as in emotion and material, and maybe Mrs Y is a great mother, she do spend quality times with their children at home and maybe when they find Mrs Y shopping, it's her time to have me-time alone moment. who knows rite? we just an outsider.
and for me.. I have my own reason and fear about having a second child, I think I'll wait until Bryan is 3 years before having a second one, cause I can more focus to him now and spend more times before he's ready to go school but In other hand I also afraid that my second child is not as easy as Bryan (Bryan is consider an easy one), how can I divide my love to other baby or bryan get jealous with the baby, and so many others thoughts,which I'm sure some mother also think about it when get pregnant with the second one.
for this moment, I'm still enjoy my times with my little Bryan.
Ya...i also think that people tend to ask these questions. Some even ask as soon as your 1st one is born! (Faint!)
WOW! U want 3 kids. That's a lot nowadays. Spore govt gives $ if u have kids...but it's still very expensive. That part i totally agree.
Bryan looks very happy & cute hugging his cousin. ;)
I come from big family, Jo.. I always thought that having siblings (at least 1) is better than being the only child, so he don't feel lonely and alone :D yes, raising a child nowdays is totally expensive!!
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