I've got flue and cough last sunday, jaya is already down for cough since 2 days after we're arrived and apparently I've got infection too, the worst part.. bryan is got fever two days ago his temperature is 38.2 in the morning, I'm already give him tempra drop which i bring from jakarta but he still warm, so after 2 times give him tempra and no result of getting better, I try naomi medicine, her doctor gave it when she's having high fever and lucky that her mother bring it (bryan and naomi have same pediatrician) I hardly can't sleep since i'm too busy checking on his temprature every hour and also bryan woke up few times, feeling unwell.. so i must comfort him by tap his body and put his pacifier cause everytime it's felt down he'll awake and search for it,around 3.00 am his temprature up to 39.5 degree, I gave him medicine once more and thanks God, he's temprature back to normal in the morning. but it don't last...in the afternoon he's temperature raise again to 38.5 degree, so i've decided to bring him to doctor at tiong bahru children clinic below tiong bahru plaza.
Dr. Edmund koh, the pediatrician told me that bryan is having sore throat infection (maybe he's infected by me) and the temprature is 38.6 so, he's give bryan capsul in his buttock (yeah, that capsul go inside bryan's butt) he said that if bryan temprature is higher than 38.5 degree then i must give him again that capsul, so i told bryan to fight the infection since i don't want to give it anymore, he also give one antibiotic and few medicine just in case bryan have a nose block or flue. Thanks God, the medicine works very well on Bryan, soon after he's back from doctor his temprature is 37.4 degree and never up again. but, amazingly.. he's still in good mood, still can laugh and smile like nothing happend, he's still easy to take nap, still have a good appetite, still very active boy. Praise Lord for his amazing grace.